Crispy Roast Pork

by Karen Nah

This recipe guarantees you with an extremely crispy skin. It is my family’s favourite choice of crispy pork belly. You can serve with steam rice or noodles as staple. Remember to add your greens for a balance meal. Happy cooking!


Serves 10-15

Active Time:

40 minutes

Total time:

2 days Marinate and 21/2 hours


  • 2kg Pork Belly with skin in a single large piece, no bones
Pork Marinate: 
(marinate for at least 1-2 days)
For the skin of the pork belly:


  1. Remove all the hairs on the skin of the pork belly. Speak to your butcher on this.
  2. Sprinkle NYONYA FIVE-SPICE ROAST PORK MIX evenly on the bottom of pork belly.
  3. Flip the pork belly skin side up, and with a sharp paring knife or pen knife, score the pork skin in a criss-cross fashion, 3cm apart.
  4. Rub the salt and white pepper onto the pork skin. Be sure to rub the salt and pepper in well.
  5. Line an oven tray with baking paper, and place the pork belly on with the bottom side down. Chill in the fridge, uncovered, for 1-2 days.
  6. Preheat oven to 220°C. Bring the pork belly to room temperature.
  7. Roast pork at 220°C for 30 minutes. Then lower to 180°C, and roast for another 1 hour.
  8. Remove from oven, and let cool for 30 minutes.
  9. To chop the pork belly, flip skin side down onto a chopping board. Use a sharp cleaver to chop into desired pieces.
  10. Serve with your favourite Handpicked noodles.

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